Powerful Research Tools in Engineering Education Webinar

07 May 2021

Dear AGU Members,

The “Research confidently using the Web of Science Core Collection: For Academicians” webinar will be held on Thursday, May 06, 2021. (2.00 p.m.-3.00 p.m.)

Webinar registration link:https://clarivatesupport.webex.com/clarivatesupport/onstage/g.php?MTID=e82bb189c5d1160ec7305cd233691fad2

Education language: Turkish

Participants will have the following information.

•Options for customizing, browsing and filtering Web Of Science features

•Analysis of search results to find the best authors, journals, institutions, publications on the subject

•Journal Impact Factor, Quartiles, H-Index, Author Impact Beamplot

We wish you healthy days,

Library and Documentation

As AGU Library; We will be happy to assist you under helpdesk.agu.edu.tr or kutuphane@agu.edu.tr  to provide technical support, requests, and suggestions to all our staff.