Web of Science Researcher ID & Publons Education Webinar

07 May 2021

Dear AGU Members,

The Web of Science Researcher ID & Publons” webinar will be held on Thursday, May 06, 2021. (11.00 a.m.-11.30 a.m.)

Webinar registration link :https://clarivatesupport.webex.com/clarivatesupport/onstage/g.php?MTID=e32ceaf8b1ad8bd5bde02d6704aead060

Education language: Turkish

Participants will have the following information.

-Web of Science Profile and Web of Science Researcher ID
- Publons- adding referee reviews, editorial information
- Publons- adding posts
- Web of Science Researcher ID- ORCID integration

We wish you healthy days,

Library and Documentation

As AGU Library; We will be happy to assist you under helpdesk.agu.edu.tr or kutuphane@agu.edu.tr  to provide technical support, requests, and suggestions to all our staff.