PoolText Report Education Webinar

10 Nov 2021 - 10 Nov 2021

Dear AGU Members,

"PoolText Report" webinar will be held on Wednesday, November 10, 2021.

Webinar  link:https://meet.google.com/eib-cqjq-mtz?pli=1

Education language: Turkish

Content: It checks the use of English in your article with a focus on academic writing and creates correction suggestions for possible grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors. It analyzes your article at more than 50 structural points and makes recommendations for improvement. It allows you to prevent loss of time due to possible structural problems in your article and increases your chances of getting accepted from the journal you are targeting.

Time: 15.00

Click for Attachments

We wish you healthy days,

Library and Documentation

As AGU Library; We will be happy to assist you under helpdesk.agu.edu.tr or kutuphane@agu.edu.tr  to provide technical support, requests, and suggestions to all our staff.