• All AGU academic and administrative staff as well as PhD and master's students may use ILL service.

  • Costs incurred from the interlibrary loan (photocopy, shipment, etc.) are paid by borrowers.

  • Users may place their requests after confirming that the relevant items are not included in AGU library. 

  • It is a user's responsibility to know from which library to borrow the requested item. Toplu Katalog  (Collective Catalogue) interface may be used in order to locate the requested item.

  • The loan period is 30 days for interlibrary loans. If needed, a renewal may be requested.

  • Borrowers are responsible for lost or damaged items and late returns.

  • The persons who want book, Interlibrary Loan Request Form (ILL),

  • The persons who want articles, Interlibrary Loan Request Form (ILL),

  • Policies of the lending library apply in case of interlibrary loan.

    You may contact the responsible librarian by e-mail or phone. (



  • Users may only request materials through their own libraries. They cannot make personal requests.

  • Resource requests are placed through ANKOS-KİTS (Interlibrary Loan System of the Anatolian University Libraries Consortium) and ULAKBİM-TÜBESS (Turkish Document Delivery and Loan System of the Turkish Academic Network and Information Center).

  • Costs incurred from the interlibrary loan is covered by the borrowing library.

  • Libraries must place their requests through authorized librarians.

  • 5 items may be lent at once.

  •  Items marked as reference, rezerv (Reserved), periodicals and special collections cannot be lent.