ABDULLAH GÜL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY RULES


General Rules

  • Food and drinks are not taken into the library. Except water, no food or drink shall be consumed in the library.

  • Cell phones are forbidden and silence shall be maintained inside the library building.

  • Personal belongings are the responsibility of their holders. The Library will not be responsible for any loss or damage to personal belongings.

  • Library collection is protected by an electronic security system. Publications shall not be taken out of the Library without permission. A legal action will be launched if publications are taken out illegally.



  • Students and Academic and Administrative personnel of Abdullah Gül University can become members of the Library. If a member quits AGU, the day her/his separation clearance form is approved, the membership ends.

  • Membership is created automatically using the information in personnel and student information systems. In the case that it cannot be made automatically, the university id card or a student certificate is required.

  • Readers must abide by library rules after their membership is done.

  • The primary duty of Abdullah Gul University Library and its staff is to help the members in the best way.


Borrowing, Returning, Renewal and Reserving

  • All library members from AGU can borrow from the library.

  • It is obligatory to show library membership card or university id when borrowing a publication.

  • It is not possible to borrow, renew, reserve a publication with the library card of another member and checked-out publications cannot be loaned to other people.

  • All library sources except reference sources, materials in the Closed Section, theses, periodicals can be borrowed. From audio-visual materials, academic personnel can borrow 10 items for 3 days while administrative staff and students can borrow 5 items for 3 days.

  • Academic staff can borrow 10 books for 90 days and renew checked-out materials only once for 30 days.  Administrative staff and associate and undergraduate students can borrow 5 books for 30 days and renew twice for 30 days. Master's and Doctorate  students can borrow 7 books for 30 days and renew twice for 30 days.

  • Borrowed publications can be renewed unless other readers reserve them. In urgent cases and if necessary the Library can request a borrowed book in a member's possession. If the borrowed book has expired, the time cannot be extended until the book appears.

  • Users can see and follow their past Library activities online on as well as send requests for renewals and new materials.

  • Users may request that a borrowed item be placed on hold under his or her name. Once the item has been returned to the Library, the user can collect the item from the Library. Where a user fails to pick up the book within 3 days as of the date of reservation, the next user in line can take it or the book shall be placed on the shelf.

  • Members who have overdue books are not allowed to check out new books or renew items without returning them or paying overdue fines.

  • Abdullah Gül University Library can bring publications from other universities via Interlibrary Loan System (KİTS) and Turkish Document Delivery and Loan System (TÜBESS). If a publication which is not available at our library can be found in another university, our members can send an e-mail to so that a request can be made from the relevant university. When the publication arrives, it is handed over to the concerned user. Users can hold the requested item for 21 days. Additionally, shipment fees to bring and send back the item and copying price, if any, are paid by the requesting party.


Duration of Resources According to Beneficiaries


Number of


Loan Period


Number of




1) AGU users





            a) Academic staff



1 (30 days)


            c) Administrative staff





            d) Students

                        i) Associate and undergraduate students





                        ii) Master's and Doctorate  students





2) External users





            a) Users via a Protocol




Printed materials


            b) Users via Interlibrary Loan System (KİTS)




Printed materials


Access to Resources

  • Abdullah Gül University Library offers its members access to many print as well as electronic materials. You can access print and electronic resources (databases, electronic books, etc.) via Users can download materials from electronic resources bought by our library to their computers.

  • After obtaining call numbers of print resources using computer or mobile search systems, relevant items can be taken from the shelf inside the library.


Off-Campus Access

  • Every AGU member with an institutional email address can access library collections outside the campus.

  • In order to access library resources off the campus, using a proxy server type IP address, 9090 port number, your mail address for user name and e-mail password for password.

  • Another service we offer for accessing our library resources from outside the campus is VETİS without proxy setting/VPN setup. In order to use VETİS; Go to and register with your corporate e-mail address from the register tab. While registering, you must register with your corporate e-mail address (with the extension and activate the account by clicking the activation link sent to the corporate e-mail. The e-resources of our library can then be accessed remotely.


Overdue Publications and Fines

  • The Library tries to warn users who borrow an item but does not return in time, however the responsibility for watching due dates rests upon users. The automation system used by the Library sends mails to users when 7 days, 3 days and 1 day are left before overdue dates. Until the last warning mail, users can renew items via using the system. Overdue items cannot be renewed via the system. In the case of overdue items, users have to come to the library for renewals.

  • For every publication that has not been returned before its due date, a daily overdue fine determined by the Library Commissionis taken. 

  • Members buy new copies of publications which are still in print within a week if items are lost or damaged in their possession and hand them over to the Library. In the case that lost or damaged publications cannot be obtained, a similar book with an equivalent price to be determined by the Library Commission will be bought and handed over to the library. In the event of purchasing, library purchase unit helps the process. In this case, overdue fines, if any, are paid additionally.


Separation Clearance Form

  • When students leave university following graduation or any other reason or AGU personnel leave their job,they are obliged to return the publications they have borrowed and pay the penalty if they have to pay, and get a exmatriculation document from the Library Department.

  • Academic or administrative staff who are on leave for more than 2 months, who have been transferred or assigned to another institution, resigned or retired, have to clear out with the Library.

  • The Office of the Rectorate is notified of any members who separate holding library materials and procedure is started to ensure that relevant users return these items.


Contact the Library

  • You can send e-mail to, the mailing address of Abdullah Gül University Library, for any of your wishes and suggestions. Additionally, you can also call the numbers stated below.


Abdullah Gül University
Library and Documentation

Sümer Campus, Kayseri, TURKEY
Phone: +90 352 290 83 27- Internal (8702) 
Fax: +90 352 338 88 28